Required Texts and Materials: 1). Tyuse, S.W., & Berg-Weger, M. (2023). The Prac


Required Texts and Materials:
1). Tyuse, S.W., & Berg-Weger, M. (2023). The Practice of Generalist Social Work. New York, NY: Routledge.
ISBN: 9781032293615 Chapter 4: Social Work Practice with Individuals: Assessment and Planning (Tyuse & Berg-Weger, 2023)
Chapter 5: Social Work Practice with Individuals: Intervention, Termination, and Evaluation (Tyuse & Berg-Weger, 2023)
Case Study 13 (Rivas & Hull, 2004)
Chapter 9: Why People Procrastinate (Burns, 1999)
2). Keith-Lucas, A., Gregory, L., Bauer, S. (2021). So you want to be a social worker: Reflections for the Christian student. St. Davids, PA: North American Association of Christians in Social Work.
ISBN: 978-1-952901-04-1
Chapter 3: Social Work Insights from the Christian Faith (Keith-Lucas et al., 2021)
Read the assigned reading on procrastination. Then write a paper that reflects the two aspects of the problem solving process (specifically assessment and intervention). Your paper should be 2-3 pp. APA Style. Title page and reference list. Your paper should include the following:
A descriiption of how you assess a potential client in regards to procrastination.
A discussion of what interventions you would employ to help a potential client overcome this issue
How would you use the assigned readings to help a client who may struggle with this issue?
You can use bullet points to structure paper. First part of paper: Provide a descriiption of how you assess a client in regards to procrastination. First, explain what assessment is and what this stage is all about (what’s learned from the text). Next, proceed to assess procrastination to a client. Second part of the paper: Discuss interventions you would employ to help a client to overcome the level of procrastination. What would you implement to combat this issue. Use the info from the reading above including Why People Procrastinate (Burns, 1999)!!!


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