Please answer the following question using the link provided. Please be specific


Please answer the following question using the link provided. Please be specific and clear in your answers. Each answer should be at least 3-5 sentences in length.
The questions you need to answer about Colorado’s current constitution are:
1. In what year was the document created? (cite ONE source)
2. How was the document drafted and ratified? (Cite ONE source)
3. What is the justification offered for creating a new constitution? (Cite ONE source)
4. How does this constitution determine:
a.. who may be elected to office? (Cite ONE source)
b. What offices are to be created/filled? (Cite ONE source)
c. Who may vote? (cite ONE source)
Please use the following website as a resource.
Please be sure to cite your sources. You may use the following website to generate your source:
Please answer all four (4) questions by attaching a Word document. Remember to cite any sources.


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