Perspective Paper: Social Policy Definition of Social Policy: Social policy is h


Perspective Paper: Social Policy
Definition of Social Policy:
Social policy is how a society responds to social problems. Any government enactment that affects the well-being of
people, including laws, regulations, executive orders, and court decisions, is a social policy.
My policy is…(Civil Rights Act of 1964)
Please Include:
1, The reasoning behind the policy—why is/was it important to institute?
2. The purpose of the policy—who benefits from this policy, who are the stakeholders?
3. Your personal opinion of the policy—is it helpful, could it be better, should there be changes?
4. The future of the policy, if you believe there is one.
Your paper:
 Must be APA format
 Must be 3-5 pages
 Double spaced
 12-point font
 List 3 or more scholarly sources


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