Learning Goal: I’m working on a business multi-part question and need the explan


Learning Goal: I’m working on a business multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.
After completing the previous readings on applying coaching strategies to leadership challenges and specifically the learning activity titled “Higher Education Leadership Challenges,” you will draft a paper that examines these challenges. The learning activity noted above highlighted the following higher education challenges:
Self-Doubt and Foundational Skill Gaps for Returning Adult Learners
Declining Enrollments
Retention Concerns
Transition to Remote Learning (or other transitions)
Teaching Quality
The deliverable for this formative assessment will serve as a foundation for the paper you will submit as a part of your Summative Assessment for Objective 5 titled “Applying Coaching Strategies to Leadership Challenges.” For this paper, you will select any three of the five challenges above or you can get approval from your instructor on any additional challenges you may want to investigate. Next, research this challenge and consider how this issue could be addressed from a coaching, leadership, and project management perspective. Specifically, consider the questions below as you address these challenges:
How could coaching be applied to this scenario?
Are there certain departments or individuals that would facilitate the coaching; and, if so, which departments or individuals?
What benefits could be drawn from coaching?
As a higher education leader, note which departments could play a role in resolving this challenge.
What types of resources would be helpful in supporting efforts toward mitigating this challenge?
From a project management perspective, identify a project that you propose that the institution put together to help address this challenge.
What would be the timeline, approximate cost, and resources needed to implement this project?
Note any additional thoughts on this challenge and how this impacts institutional stakeholders.
The following is the format for your paper:
Introduction of your thesis statement(include comments about the three challenges you will assess)
Analyze the first higher education challenge(how could coaching be applied to this challenge)
(what could higher education leadership do to address this challenge)
(explain a project that could be put in place to help with this concern)
Analyze the second higher education challenge(how could coaching be applied to this challenge)
(what could higher education leadership do to address this challenge)
(explain a project that could be put in place to help with this concern)
Analyze the third higher education challenge(how could coaching be applied to this challenge)
(what could higher education leadership do to address this challenge)
(explain a project that could be put in place to help with this concern)
Summarize thoughts in a Conclusion
References – Include at least 6 sources
As you write your paper, refer back to your Learning Journal notes as well for additional insights. This formative assessment should be in APA 7th edition format with at least 8 pages, but you can expand as needed and will need to include at least 6 sources.


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