I just need help writing the first opening paragrph of my introduction. So far t


I just need help writing the first opening paragrph of my introduction. So far this is what i have and i need to complete it: Have you ever pondered about how memory and gender effect stress levels, anxiety, and self-esteem? We’re diving into the impact of these multidimensional aspects and how they affect our perception and everyday life….. – to be continued The IV in the study are memory and gender. The DV are stress, anxiety, and self esteem. Paragraph I: Introductory paragraph (about 1/2 of a page)—your Introduction should begin broadly
(remember the hourglass analogy) to be of interest to a majority of your readers. This paragraph is like the cover
on a book and its purpose is to get the reader’s attention and set the stage for the rest of the Introduction, which
involves the background information (literature review) for your current study.
 Begin with a few interest-grabbing sentences that introduce the central themes that your study addresses.
You may want to include a question that provides a snapshot of the main question that your experiment tries
to answer. And/or you may want to introduce, in general terms, the primary theory that you investigated in
your experiment.
 You may find it helpful to read the beginning paragraphs of other research articles to get a feel for how
other authors have written this part of the Introduction.
 An interesting, well-worded opening paragraph makes a good first impression


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