Format: between 2 to 3 pages (600-800 words); double-spaced and in 12-point font


Format: between 2 to 3 pages (600-800 words); double-spaced and in 12-point font (Helvetica, Arial, Times New Roman or equivalent)
Choose a static and two-dimensional advertisement to analyze in a short paper, using Roland Barthes’s method. As long as the advertisement is static (not a video), it can be virtual or found on material support (t-shirt, tote bags, poster, etc.). The ad may be in any language (please provide translation if not in English) and may advertise a product, an event or program, professional service, political or social campaigns and initiatives.
In your paper:
The ad. Provide an image of your advertisement in color, either in your paper or upload as a separate jpeg on Canvas along with your assignment.
Identify & locate. What object or program does the ad publicize? What institution/company is behind it? When and in which culture/geographical region was the ad produced and distributed? (If it does not have a specific date, provide the approximate period.” Is the ad a stand-alone artifact? Was it part of a series? Where is it found?
Support/format/dimension. “Support” refers to the surface on which an image is applied (wood, paper, canvas, etc). In the case of the advertisement, the support is closely format and means of distribution (on a tote bag, on a billboard, on a website, etc.). In addition to format, describe the size of the work (example: the image occupies half of a full page in the New York Times; etc.).
Subject matter or content. What does the image depict? What are the main objects and figures? What actions, if any, are the objects and figures engaged in? Does the work depict a particular setting (place or space)? How specific or generic is the setting? What objects in the work helps you identify it?
Composition. Composition refers to how an image is put together. In a two-dimensional work, composition most likely refers to the artist’s division of the ground/space, and the arrangement figures and objects in relation to one another. The following are examples of remarks pertaining to composition:
“Painting X is divided into three equally sized parts, each one containing two figures.”
“Photograph Y shows an array of objects closely grouped together in one corner of the table, leaving the rest of the table empty.”
Rhetoric. Using Barthes’s method, describe any linguistic message in the ad (denotative and connotative). In addition, describe the coded iconic message, or the “rhetoric of the image.” What signifiers (objects) do you see and what “signifieds” (message) do they carry? Following your own analysis, is the message of the advertisement clear or unclear? Straightforward, ambivalent or open-ended? What elements in this ad are most and least effective, persuasive, and compelling? Why?


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