FOR EACH RESOURCE: Please discuss at least two interesting concepts or facts tha


FOR EACH RESOURCE: Please discuss at least two interesting concepts or facts that you learned from each resource, as well as the general meaning of that resource. You are also free to reflect on any critical thinking you had about that resource. THE MINIMUM LENGTH NEEDED FOR FULL CREDIT IS AT LEAST 5 SENTENCES PER RESOURCE. Everything should be in your own words, and every resource should be cited in-text as well as a reference list. THEN ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. In her video discussing Family Systems Interventions, Dr. Wolf discusses some ideas that are just ‘good social work practice’. Discuss and apply two of them to your social work with the Foster family. In her video discussing Family Systems Interventions, Dr. Wolf discusses different types of ways that family social workers can use questions with families. Pick two types of questions and give examples of them that you could use with the Fosters. In her video discussing The Interventions, Dr. Wolf discusses S.M.A.R.T. goals with the client. Discuss two SMART goals for the Foster family. Solution-Focused interventions can be popular or polarizing. Why might this be? Would this be a fit for the Foster family? How might you apply it to them?


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