Course Project: Team Building The course project has major assignments that wil


Course Project: Team Building
The course project has major assignments that will be due in Weeks 3 and 5. It will take more than a week’s effort to adequately complete them. Plan time to start the research and other work for those assignments earlier than the week in which they are due.
Continue to use the organization you selected for your final project in Week 1. This week, you are being placed on a ten-person virtual team. You decide that prior to the team getting started on the project, you want to do some research that will help you identify ways to make your virtual team most effective. You may need to create hypothetical details about the team and its purpose on the basis of what you know of the organization you selected for the final project.
On the basis of your research, write a paper addressing the following:
Assess the purpose of the team (i.e., what is the project it has been assigned?) and the contribution of key members to team purpose.
Analyze four to six potential problems that virtual teams typically face. Is the hypothetical team you described susceptible to these problems? What specific problems might it develop?
Justify four to six viable solutions to make your team effective, including why these solutions will work.
Submission Details:
Name your file: SU_MBA5001_W4_ LastName_FirstInitial.doc
Submit your Five- to SIX -page paper in APA style to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned. (with Reference page)
Use Textbook as a reference – Organizational behavior a practical problem-solving approach 3rd ed. by Angelo Kinicki can use as a reference.
Chapters: Groups and Teams
Managing Conflict and Negotiations
Decision Making and Creativity
Grade Form Criteria:
Assessed the purpose of the virtual team and the contribution of key members to that purpose.
Assessment of the purpose of the virtual team and the contribution of key members to that purpose was compelling, with well-developed logical progression.
Well supported by research.
Analyzed four to six potential problems of virtual teams in general, including specific application to the hypothetical team.
Analysis of four to six potential problems of virtual teams in general, including specific application to the hypothetical team was compelling, with well-developed logical progression.
Well supported by research.
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e., APA); and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
The writer’s overall argument and language are clear and tightly focused, leaving the reader with no room for confusion about the author’s intent.
Text is basically error free, so that a reader would have to purposely search to find any errors that may be present.
Using Academic/APA format proficiently. Text is basically error free.
Justified four to six solutions to the potential problems so that the team will be effective.
Justification of four to six solutions to the potential problems so that the team will be effective was compelling and actionable, with well-developed logical progression.
Well supported by research.


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