Choose one of the following options for your original discussion post. Then part


Choose one of the following options for your original discussion post. Then participate in the discussion with your classmates.
Option 1: Discuss whether using an unsecured internet signal that comes into your house which belongs to your neighbor but does not cost your neighbor anything in money or speed of service is ethical or not.
Option 2: Evaluate either the ACM or the IEEE Codes of Ethics.
Option 3: Choose from Computer Ethics, Media Ethics, Business Ethics, Criminal Justice Ethics, Medical Ethics, and Bioethics and discuss the ethical concerns in that industry or field.
Option 4: Choose one of the topics in the syllabus for this module that interests you, find an article about the topic and begin a discussion on that topic.
Instructions: The paragraph should be at least 200 words, and needs to include citation to the article using MLA style.


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