Change Management is a focus that helps individuals either feel supported or aba


Change Management is a focus that helps individuals either feel supported or abandoned. Many times in my career, there just was not attention given to change and certainly not a component about strategically making it some advantage for an organization.  There is considerable overlap between sports organizations and corporate America.  The Announcement slide will have a video from myself highlighting Dr. Johnson’s book about the research.  It explains how she looked and studied research around change management in a rather large organization.  
So what does that mean for us as managers and future managers?
Your assignment – As a supervisor you will be known as a person who works in everyone’s best interest and who should be supported or else you will earn a reputation that is less glamorous and who must be tolerated.  How will you overlap this research chapter, the Zach Sorensen messaging, in to the real world of management?  For the purposes of this please focus on the process and your specific leadership.  There is not a specific change to address with this assignment.


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