Built Environment Community Comparisons Purpose: Where a person lives, works, le


Built Environment Community Comparisons
Purpose: Where a person lives, works, learns and plays has an effect on their health. For this project you will look at and compare the community you grew up in and compare it to Richmond County or neighboring county. This activity will help you visualize the different environments that we are surrounded by.
Task: For this project you are going to compare and contrast Richmond County to the County which you are from. If you are from Richmond County, you can compare Richmond to either Columbia County or Burke County. This paper should be at least 3 pages double spaced, 12pt., Times New Roman font. There will be a 5 point deduction for not following directions. There will also be an automatic 5 point deduction for papers shorter than the required length. Make sure to watch for spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes.
You can use both statistics and your own visual knowledge of the area.
If you home community is in another state, you can access it that information from the same website. If you home community is in another country and you are having trouble finding information, please let me know.
Criteria for success: This paper should be at least 3 pages double spaced, 12pt., Times New Roman font. There will also be an automatic 5 point deduction for papers shorter than the required length. Make sure to watch for spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes.
At a minimum you should discuss the following questions for BOTH your community and Richmond County:
How would you describe the community?
What do you have more of: trees, fields, houses, or big buildings?
How big are the schools? How many playgrounds are there?
Are there any parks? Museums? Recreational areas?
What kinds of transportation do people use?
What kinds of businesses are there?
What landforms are there? Is it hilly or flat? What bodies of water are there?
Do you think that there are opportunities for physical activity?
What is the difference in poor physical health days and poor mental health days? Why do you think here is that difference?
What is the most surprising difference between the two communities? Why?


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