Assignment: Write a 1 page reflection on what specific theme within global busi


Assignment: Write a 1 page reflection on what specific theme within global business you want to focus on throughout this semester, based on your personal goals. Themes are expected to be on a main topic of interest for each student and should be applicable to the content that will be covered within this course. For example, a student interested in how government policies affect company creation might trace the specifics of each country studied. Or, if a student is interested in solar startups they would focus on that particular industry in each of the countries that we study.
Make sure that the reflection:
1- Relates to your personal goals
2- That the topic can be explored throughout this course and its materials
3- Indicates why you want to focus on this topic/theme
This is an example of how it should be done:
For my term focus, I am going to study the solar panel manufacturing industry in each ecosystem we examine so as to understand where the best opportunities might exist for a locating a global startup in this field. As part of this study, I will investigate the state of currently employed technology as well as what is in the commercialization pipeline of local manufacturers; what is currently imported; the size of the current market and future projections of that market; the laws and incentives that support, impede and or encourage that industry and the costs of production and potential sales volume (ie. the business proposition)…
The ecosystems that we are going to examine are:
Paris, London, New York, Boston, Tokyo, Dubai, Beijing
This is what I want my term focus to be, please work on this:
For my term focus, I am going to study the manufacturing industries in each ecosystem, and try to create a start-up that will better reduce labor costs, and speed up the logistic process in manufacturing industries


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