1. Mini Report: State of an Industry/Firm Page 1: Your name, Industry Name, Firm


1. Mini Report: State of an Industry/Firm
Page 1: Your name, Industry Name, Firm Name, and Table of Contents
Pages 2-4: Written explanation describing the state of the industry/firm (double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font)
Pages 5-?: Add figures, tables, charts, appendix, and references (APA format preferred).
What to include:
Vision, Mission, and Goals (of the firm) (CH 2)
External environment → PESTEL (CH 3)
Industry level analyses
· Porter’s Five Forces (CH 3)
· Strategic Groups (CH 3)
Internal Environment (tends to be more firm centric)
· Does the firm have Valuable, Rare, Inimitable, and Non-substitutable (VRIN) resources?
· SWOT (CH 4)
· Value Chain (CH 4)
Generic Strategy
· What Generic Strategy does the firm employ? (CH 5)
· What are the advantages/disadvantages of this generic strategy? (CH 5)
· Any action steps they should take? (CH 5)
Other tips:
· Work on concise writing and a high value per word ration.
· Get down to business… e.g. show me how a framework is used rather than describing what it is.
· Build your figures and tables first and then use the written explanation to further explain the more complicated topics.
· Hand-drawn and scanned figures are acceptable.
· Most of these mini reports, while only 2-3 pages written, will probably be an approximately 8-10 page document.


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